Senior year has been freaking me out; actually my best friend Dana
is more why I have been freaking out. Up until a few days ago, I was on
the relaxing bandwagon of just seeing where senior year takes me and hoping
that God would drop something in my lap before I graduate.
Last week she called and was freaking out about what she was going
to do after graduation and all these adult decisions she was going to have to
make and it hit me: I am graduating this year and being thrown into the adult
world. (I would tell you the number of months left till I graduate, but I can't
really bring myself to count them.) With only ___ months left till graduation I
have a lot of lasts I am going to start experiencing; last formal, last
initiation, last Husker football game. Part of me wants to say yes I can't wait
till initiation, it is going to be such a great time, but then I stop myself
and think yes, I can wait, because I realize that when it is time
for initiation that means there is only ___ - 1 months left until graduation.
All this counting down freaks me out.

We have all hear the story in the Bible of the Good Samaritan, who stopped to help the injured
man even when the priest and Levite passed over him. I was recently
listening to a podcast of Freakanomics where they did a modern day test of this
story to see why some people pass over those in need and others help.
What they found was that when testing to see if seminarians would stop to
help someone, it didn't matter if they had just heard the story of the good
Samaritan, what mattered was how much time they had. They would always
stop and help, unless they were in a hurry, then they would pass right over the
man, probably not even noticing him. Who do you and I pass over that
needs our help or even just a simple hello because we are in a hurry or staring
at our phones? If I had a few less 'make myself feel good' meetings planning in
a day, I could spend time building up those around me.
This whole using my time wisely and to glorify God also struck a chord
as I was listening to Matthew Kelly talk when he made the comment, " When we say yes to the stuff that
isn't for us, we miss out on the stuff that is just for us"
God has a perfect plan for our lives; there are certain places we
are supposed to be to meet certain people so that certain lives can be changed.
However, we all to often decide that we have a much better day planned
out for us than God does and we take control. To be fulfilled we try to
fill our days with an unreachable To
do list. Everyone can
attest that a full day does not mean your day was fulfilling, often it just leaves
you stressed and dreading the next day.
My goal for this semester is to let God into my To do list. Before I commit I need to
ask His advice. Is this just
for me, is this organization
or meeting necessary and will it make me a better person, or will it cause me
to pass over the opportunities God has placed in my life to fulfill me make me
truly happy.
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