Many of us claim to have
faith. But do we live this faith out? Do
we really understand what it means to have faith? Alpha Phi alumni, Amanda Teixeria, spoke at UNL's FOCUSgreek about her experience coming to college and realizing what it truly means
to live out her faith.
How do we live out our faith? By first knowing
Jesus and then by sharing Him.
There are three types of
relationships with Jesus:
He is outside of our lives and has nothing to do
with how we live
He is only part of our lives. We fit Him in during free time between
practices, schools, and meetings. He is
just another activity in our schedule.
He is the center of our lives and everything we
do revolves around our friendship with Christ
Another way that
I sometimes like to think of this is: 1. We don’t realize that our actions are
sins because we don’t know Jesus, 2. We know that what we are doing is wrong,
but we continue to do it anyways and pretend like Jesus won’t mind, 3. we have
Him in the center of our lives and try to avoid all sin because we realize how
much it pains Him. Being Greek makes it
often hard to have Jesus at the center of our lives, we are constantly chasing
after the next best thing to put us on top and we fill our lives with
distracting temptations.
When Amanda would
go to Frat parties, everyone would always feel sorry for her because she wasn’t
drinking; but she knew she wasn’t missing out on anything, they were. She knew that through her connection with
Christ she was living in reality. He
reveals us to ourselves. We no longer try to be like anyone else, but are free
to be who we were created to be. It is attractive
to see someone who knows who they are and is living a life of joy and
freedom. This is why we urgently need to
build our life around Jesus; there will be ups and downs, but it will be the
wildest adventure you have ever been on and the best. God
takes our small plans, blows them up, and then invites us to go on an even
greater ride.
Step two seems to
scare people a lot more: Sharing Jesus.
If our lives truly
do revolve around Jesus and we know His love, then we would be so compelled to
share His love that everyone around us would also know Jesus. It has been said that we can see our own
relationship with God based on how we invite others to know Jesus.
People often
think they are quoting St. Francis of Assisi when they say, “Preach the Gospel
at all times, use words if necessary.” The thing is,
he didn’t say this. In fact, he
believed something far from it. He would
often travel to up to five towns a day preaching the Gospel
using words. If I see someone helping an old lady across the
street I wouldn’t just think, “Wow that person must really know Christ, I want
to know Him too.” All people see is a good person. If we never use our words, then who are we witnessing
to? Ourselves? You need your words to proclaim that your actions are because you
know Jesus loves you, otherwise some people may never connect the dots.
What should
really be our motto is, “Use your words
to proclaim God’s love; but if your actions don’t match up, then your words are
useless.” What this is saying is that unless we live out what we say our
faith teaches us, people will just consider us hypocrites and never feel the
need to know Jesus.
Now, imagine what
might happen if we never say anything at all:
It’s the end of your life, you are riding the escalator up to Heaven
when you look over and see your fraternity brother or your sorority sister on
another escalator that’s going down. What
is more awkward: bringing up Jesus in a conversation now, or the moment when
they look you in the eye at the end of your life and ask “why didn’t you tell
me? Why didn’t I deserve to be told so that I might be in Heaven also?” Let’s just
say I personally hope I never hear those words.
Our Greek houses don’t need another funny guy who cracks jokes about how
drunk they were the night before or someone who was on exec for all four years
and is awesome; what they need is someone they can rely on to be a witness for
Christ. They might not know it now, but being that witness is the best gift you
could possibly give them. Every year since Amanda has graduated she has
gotten a letter or facebook message from one of her sorority sisters letting
her know that they have come to know Jesus in their lives and thanking her for being
that witness for them.
People notice,
even if they don’t say anything. Our
words might not bear fruit now, but they will later. God’s hears our prayers and won’t let them go
One way to be a
witness is through the idea of servant leadership; that by serving others, you
become a leader. (Prime example: Jesus) The
small things do matter. Do things that
are counter cultural; by putting yourself last behind the pledges or simply
just throwing out the trash when it gets full, our actions will back up our
words and people will start to follow us on our journey for God.
We don’t need to
be perfect to preach the gospel, but we do need to be trying. The biggest pitfalls we Greeks face are
chastity, sobriety, and excellence.
Chastity and sobriety can be the biggest temptations and also the most
detrimental to our witness. If we are
not living out the words of Jesus, why would they change their lives if they
see that our lives are not changed? Don’t
let your actions turn someone away from finding God and spending eternity in