Monday, August 19, 2013

Photos Tell a Thousand Words

Words don't always seem to be able to do justice to stories and memories; Hopefully this video will help provide a visual to everything that I can't explain with words about the mission trip to India.

 "If you want your future to be different from your past, change your habits." Matthew Kelly

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Kolkata India Journal

Thank you again to everyone who supported me on my mission trip to Kolkata, it was truly an amazing experience and my hope was to be able to share the trip with you in a more personal way.  I kept a daily journal of all the things that we did, as well as my thoughts and feelings about some of the interactions I had an the relationships I built. 

It is slightly long, so what may be the easiest is to go down to the bottom of the document below and click the full screen button and it will expand it to make it a readable size or you can down load and it will open it up in a more readable view and allow you to print it and not have to stare at a screen. 

I hope that you are able to take the time to read and learn more about what Kolkata was like.  I do apologize for any misspellings or grammar errors.  Most of these journals were written very early in the morning, or late at night when my brain was a little worn out. 
God Bless,